Monday, March 1, 2010

Foreign PHD for Work in United States

Foreign PHD for Work in United States?
Hi. I have a PHD in Medical Science from Tartu University in Estonia. I was wondering what kind of medical work you can perform in the United States without having to completely pass your Step 3 USMLE Exam. I have already completed my 3 years of residency and passed all other exams except for USMLE Step 3. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I hope somebody who really knows answers this question, too. My observations: 1) I know a couple people who work as nurses because they did not want to be bothered (or did not pass?) that exam. One was the kind who draws blood and gives injections and such like that, and the other - I do not remember. 2)Check to see the USMLE and Homeland Security (parts pertaining to work permits) web sites. I think if you go to it'll take you to the new Homeland Security web site. 3) With that PhD, you can teach college or work as a research scientist somewhere (Johnson and Johnson?) Good luck
2 :
phd is international.You can work in every country with that.