Monday, February 7, 2011

Small farm life in the United States

Small farm life in the United States?
Please help me by answering these questions? 1.What percentage of farms in the United States are family owned, and how has this percentage changed in the past fifty years? 2.What percentage of workers in the United States work on farms? 3.How has the growth of technology affected farm productivity and the need for farm workers?
Agriculture - 1 Answers
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1 :
I have no clue on the 1st one but I would say that the percentage would have stayed relatively the same its just that there are fewer overall farms but they are bigger on average. #2 according to 2 of my professors around 2% #3 technology has allowed farms to be far more productive and signifigantly reduced the need for farm workers.... just think it takes a handfull of people a relatively short period of time to harvest hundreds of acers of corn today.... where as before modern technology it would have taken several dozens of people in order to do a smaller amount of land and it would have taken longer to harvest it as well.... not to mention... planting, fertilizing, pesticides, and the technology in some of the seeds themselves (GM seeds).