Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How does college in the United States work

How does college in the United States work?
I am not sure how college in the US works and i dont know what a major is. I undrestand that once you enter college you choose some courses that you like, like biology and physics and english and then you somehow end up with a degree. not the kind of thing im looking for Voilet.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is a general curriculum that everyone has to take and then, usually by the end of your Sophomore year, you have to select a major. Universities vary on the number of credits you need to fulfill your major. Generally speaking, you would take about 4 classes that would fulfill both your general curriculum and your major in the first 2 years. Then you would take around 10 classes in your Junior and Senior years that would be specific to your major. At the college I attended, Boston College, we had to take 5 classes per semester Freshman through Junior year and then 4 classes per semester Senior year.
2 :
Pick a college at random, call their admissions department, and ask the exact same question you asked here.
3 :
Okay. Generally speaking it takes four years to complete a bachelor's degree in the U.S. (although these days it is closer to five). The years are separated into: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior, which year you are in is determined by how many credits you have earned (I will speak more about that later). Again, generally speaking, for the first two years (freshman and sophomore) you will be working towards completing what is known as General Studies. General studies is around 60-64 credit hours and what will happen is that you will get a list of headings such as: English, Mathematics, Physical & Biological, Social and Behavioral and Humanities. Under each heading will be a list of classes you can take and the amount of credit you need in each section to complete the general studies requirements. By the time you have completed these general studies requirements, you would have got some idea about what subject(s) you wish to pursue academically or where you want your career to take you and this is the point were you decide your major. A major is subject that you want to concentrate the final two years (junior and senior) of your education pursuing and at the end of those two years, you will get a degree in that subject. Classes for your major works in the same way as it did for the General Studies requirements. You will have core classes which you will have to take, followed by a choice of three or four classes and you must pick one or two and then you will have a certain amount of electives to chose and in the end. The combination of all four years (120 credit hours) will result in a degree; your major. If you want a really clear example then take a look at the two links below. The first one is a standard general studies requirement and the 2nd is what is needed for a degree in business management.