Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do computer games that I buy from United States work with a computer bought in Europe

Do computer games that I buy from United States work with a computer bought in Europe?
i wish to buy my cousin a game but not sure if it will work with her computer there.
Laptops & Notebooks - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes pc games are universal, it will work on any pc. If the game is for a console i.e. playsation then no you would need the correct region.
2 :
region coding.
3 :
sorry it will not work I bought a game in Italy and it did not work on my Computer
4 :
Check the games minimum requirement printed on the box, check also for Region coding and what O.S., MAC, or Windows Xp , or visit this link for more info, http://www.geocities.com/joeymarlo26/PC_Knowledge.html http://boracay.50megs.com/