Monday, June 7, 2010

How many people in the United States still work for minimum wage

How many people in the United States still work for minimum wage?

Trivia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
the ones who are not smart. The lazy ones. The ones who want to eat. ME! but I dont now.
2 :
Like 70% of the workforce.
3 :
Of the 8.4 million workers (age 18 to 64) whose wages and incomes would increase with a one-dollar raise in the minimum wage, 2.7 million (32%) are the parents of 4.7 million children. Of the 2.7 million parents who earned at or near the current minimum wage in 1999, 63% had family incomes below $25,000.
4 :
at least all the women who are working have that wage!! lol
5 :
A person does NOT have to be lazy to earn minimum wage. I have a college degree, but because of where I live...(I have children and moving is not an affordable option, nor is traveling too far to work)...minimum wage jobs are all that is available...and I'm not talking fastfood and gas stations...I'm talking college level jobs. There are more people on welfare in this area than I have ever seen. It is almost like a status symbol, and even though I am eligible (and pay taxes), I refuse to fall into the trap. There are people who use welfare as a stepping stool, but too many use it as a stool. If a person is working every minute they can; are raising self-respecting, law-abiding children; pay their bills without increasing their debt foolishly; do NOT expect handouts; and have a goal to be self-sufficient and are working toward that...KUDOS to them.